The introduction of the Utopian College, Kurt visits earlier in the series, rankled with many. At the end of Furt, his dad and new step mum put together all their existing funds , that were going to be used for a honeymoon, to send him to the college and he transfers. This is painted as the obvious right thing to do. Now Glee, a story about supposed outcasts probably appeals to many high school outcasts around the world and has carried some poignant messages. The message that can be gathered from Furt:
Being Bullied? Run Away to a Magical Utopia where you will be accepted.
What the Fuck Glee? Seriously? That is your answer to a bullying storyline. The ultimate conclusion which we are meant to reach? I understand the show is gravitating further and further from reality, but this seems a ridiculously irresponsible thing to write. Bullying is always a sensitive issue to deal with, and its a hard choice to decide whether to give a character a happy ending or reveal the often harsh life of the victim. Glee had been doing such a great job, with the boys standing up to Karofsky (at the behest of their girlfriends)
It may well lead to an interesting few episodes, with Kurt now competing against New Directions at Sectionals, but Glee has made a habit of trying to deal with the issues faced by high school kids, as well as being an all singing dancing production. In this, they have given completely the wrong message. Utopias don't exist in reality and running away from your problems will rarely ever solve them.
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